Wednesday 26 February 2014

The Last of Us (Review) - June 19 2013


Okay so i've already missed the first day that i should have started on, apologies for that, but i lost touch with the outside world and found myself sucked into the post pandemic world of Naughty Dog's The Last of Us.

So where do i even start with this game, I've been playing through the single player and I've also dipped myself into the multiplayer of the game and i can not find a single flaw with what they have done with the creation of the game.

While writing this i am only 34% into the game, now I'm not sure if thats the progress through the story or if it takes into account the collectibles,
but its taken me three days of playing to get this far into it, each chapter plays through a whole city with one main objective .eg. get to the bridge in the horizon but as playing through each chapter more and more open up in terms of meeting new characters and certain changes to the pace which side track from the primary and send you off on another mission.

The main focal point Naughty Dog has put emphasis on is the atmospheric tension, while playing there is no ambient music, the only noise you get are from footsteps and items been knocked over, so when you go through a door and an infected jumps out it puts a lot of tension on you, as a result i've spent most of my time sneaking around every room scavenging for supplies while bricking it that at any moment i could have one of the critters jump out behind me.


So i've now completed the game for the first time i can now try and reflect without spoiling anything what a truly amazing experience the game is, i would go as far as to say it has it moments to make it my top game of this generation, this is very closely tied with Mass Effect 2, but the way Naughty Dog has delivered The Last of Us is very spectacular, each cutscene and moment when not engaging in combat is a thoughtful string of conversation which pulls on the hearts of the players.

From what i can think there has never been a game that i have played that has poured so much emotion into a game like this, even though the game has one or two moments where you feel happy for the characters it is very quickly shadowed by how human the world is, there is nothing good that happens in the game, from the offset it is like a snowball rolling down a hill, bad moment after bad moment, and at time can make you feel taken aback, this does not happen very often in games, let alone in any other form of media, Naughty Dog has delivered something here that takes players off guard.

Anyone who doesn't play The Last of Us is really missing out on something that will go down in history with the Playstation 3 and with Naughty Dog as a developer, but i warn now, never play this game in your life, i know i'm contradicting myself, but it will destroy you every emotion you feel will crumble, i now don't know what to do with myself, i can bring myself to play it again or even touch any other game, so just be warned before you press start because once you do, there is no stopping what comes next.

My final verdict for this game is that it is something that every player needs to be a part of as its something very special, it feels very real which with games nowadays is very rare, the voice acting that Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson pull off is something out of this world, Troy's delivery in this game is his best yet he puts so much raw emotion into Joel that you feel so much for him as a character, and Ashley really brings everything about with her performance of Ellie, like she is holding Joel together, the pair sounds absolutely stunning together and as that pull the game together, i would score this game as 10/10 almost flawless in my eyes say for one or two minor hiccups but nothing that shakes the gaming experience.


The Last of Us multiplayer of how Naughty Dog has seen fit to call it "Factions" feels very reminiscent to players who have played the Uncharted multiplayer, though the interface and the way it plays is where it stands out to be possibly the best online experience ever conceived, when first accessing it you are given a choice of which faction you want to play as, either the Hunters or the Fireflies neither have any special ability over the other this is just a representation of your online experience.

Once into the main body of Factions you are presented by a chart that shows the survivors you have how many are healthy, sick and hungry, while playing each multiplayer mode it is your job to take out the other team while at the same time looking for supplies to keep your clan alive through the season.

Now this is where i should mention how the season plays out, once you play your first match you are given a screen with which week you are on and what day, the main goal is to play through keeping your survivors healthy for the duration of the 12 weeks, each match you play is a day and after some matches if your performance is high you get more survivors to join your clan, thus making it harder to keep them alive as you need to up your game for the proceeding matches.

I have only played five or six matches so as of yet I'm only on Week 1 day 6 and the amount of resources i need is now increasing by quite a bit, so the difficulty jump is very high.

As far as it goes at the minute i cannot add more without spoiling so for now i will leave this as it is, i will update more tomorrow after i have played some more and explored some more of the mechanics, unless in the meantime i end up in a hole forgetting the outside world.

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