Saturday 22 March 2014

Weekly Roundup of PlayStation news - - March 22, 2014

Weekly PlayStation Roundup.

What’s up guys, each Saturday ill be here to give you my weekly roundup of all things PlayStation, including trophy news and the big games coming to the PlayStation family.

The talk this week around the world has been about the announcement of Project Morpheus. Sony’s take on the VR headsets, which are becoming increasingly popular thanks to the Oculus Rift.

The Morpheus look to keep with Sony’s futuristic designs, and has sliders to adjust to the users head size and if they where glasses, good news for me as the Oculus was very uncomfortable when I used it.

 Sony are focusing on six points to make the Morpheus a success, sight, sound, tracking, control, ease of use and content. The kit currently features, 1080p, 90-degree field of view and 3D surround sound, while Sony are looking to expand on this to make it completely immersive.
The headset itself, has six LED lights, four on the front and two on the back for full 360 degree head tracking that speaks with the PlayStation 4 camera, as players will know the same LED lights are in the Dualshock 4 and they were very well with the camera even at distance.

Sony has already drummed that a lot of developers are on board to support the Morpheus, including the likes of Epic Games, Crytek and Square Enix, with engine developers Unity, Havok and others listed as partners in the PlayStation VR endeavor.

 Rumors of the virtual reality headset have been in circulation since last year, but now we finally have the official announcement and a prototype to look in awe at. Yoshida explained at the panel that Sony chose GDC to unveil it so developers could get their hands on it; a good way of selling the headset to those who are skeptical on VR is to show them a working model.

No final details or pricing were available on the finished product though I expect we will hear more at Sony’s E3 press conference in June. 

Next this week, we had a plethora of games finally release on the PlayStation eco system, which looks to be the start of Sony dominating the year of games.

 First off the release of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, while this has been getting a lot of criticism over the weeks leading up to launch, I decided I wanted to see where Kojima was taking the series, while I can say that yes the main mission is short, my first run of it clocking in at just 90 minutes, it is by no way a short game, once the main mission is done you are given different reward to tackle the mission with as well as 11 different side missions, each taking 45+ minutes to complete.

 I’m very happy with Ground Zeroes, and although casual players of the series may not appreciate the exclusive content it’s a nod to those who have stuck with the series over the years.

 Next up we saw the release of Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster on PlayStation 3 and Vita, a 13 year old game has never looked better, the character models have been reworked and the soundtrack has been completely been remastered to fit a more modern market. While they say there a host of new extras in the games, players in Europe can only experience these on Final Fantasy X-2, as with the original we had the international extras when the game launched in 2001, while this is no where near a bad thing, It makes me think about the latter of the two games a bit more where I should be focusing on what is in front of me.

 Final Fantasy X, is one of my all time favorite games and delving back into Spira has been amazing, the games look stunning on both PS3 and Vita, although I’ve been leaning more toward the Vita version as I can take it anywhere with me and leave the main TV free for my PS4 games.

 Lastly this week the highly anticipated PS4 exclusive inFamous: Second Son launched, and it exploded onto the scene just a Delsin would have liked.

 The story this time revolved around Delsin Rowe, a conduit that can absorb abilities, receives the power or Smoke and Ash, allowing him to explode create havoc just be an all round anarchist. Over the course of the game other powers are introduced with a maximum of four being available but for the purposes of not spoiling them I wont talk about the two that the developers has not shown off. The power of smoke lets Delsin being a wrecking ball, creating carnage and not really thinking about the morality of what he is doing, where as the power of Neon allows Delsin to more precise, allowing for the Kharmic choice to be put into affect.

 While I haven’t yet completed inFamous, from what I have done it is worth of every good word people are talking about it, the game is much more smooth, the new graphic engine looks stunning on the PS4 and the use of the touch pad is something that a first didn’t think was a good idea but, turns out it is just as important as the X button we have had for years.

Look out for my review of inFamous: Second Son, coming later this week.

And that’s the weekly round up for PlayStation this week, join me again next week where we may all be in flying cars and in our own virtual reality worlds, well if Sony carry on the way they are.


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